One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.

Psalm 145:4

Our 2030 Vision is to have 20,000 disciples throughout the Philippines and Myanmar.

There are currently 5400+ disciples throughout the Philippines and 100 disciples in Myanmar. It's a vision that gives us hope and determination. God is the center of our vision. We seek only to please him. And with that, others are loved and believed in.

As we aim for families, friends, and co-workers becoming followers of Jesus in these two great nations, we plan to build conducive places of worship. This means that we will have our own buildings that will also serve as community centers within the province. 

We seek teaching and understanding of the scriptures so that we are disciples with deep convictions. With deep convictions, we are able to serve our communities more effectively and love one another.

Leadership on all levels, from mission team members, Bible Talk leaders, full-time ministers, and Elders, are much needed for growth in numbers and in spirituality. Competent leadership can be achieved through our Asia Pacific Leadership Academy. 

And lastly, we want all members to be mission focused disciples. We believe this is God's mission. We want to not only be part of it but fulfill it so that those we grew up with and those we just met will know the fullness of God's grace.

In summary, our 2030 Vision is:

  1. Grow in Number: 20k Disciples
  2. Conducive Places of Worship
  3. Disciples with Deep Convictions
  4. Competent Leadership
  5. Mission Focused Disciples


Yes. I want to...

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